Friday, October 16, 2009

My Mp4

Hi everyone I will tell about the technology in my life:
I don't love the technology, but I think It's necesary to the life nowadays and I have a favorite technology thing, this is my Mp4, this is small so I can carry it to the anywhere and it enter in all my bags and even in my pocket. I use it in special when I'm traveling in the bus to the university or to the other places and when I'm waiting for somebody... In reality I use it always. In it I have a lot of music of the all types but I would have more music and listen it for long time. I don't know that do with out it when I'm alone and I don't have nothing to do, I think I would be very very boring but I search other form of listen to music because I love the music!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Neki!!!

    I like your favorite technological object because for me also is the mp4 =)
    What will life without music?
    especially to study chemistry in the study room. You remember? =) Old times!!

    see you soon!!!
