Thursday, September 30, 2010

Hi everyone!
This time I will to tell you about differents countries. When I thought?? which country would I like to go to, I can not think in only one, because I love travel and met new places.

In first place I would like to go to Italy?, know all its culture, eat its pastas and have a tour in canoe to Venecia, It so romantic althoug it must to smell bad, I think.

I would like to go to Suecia too, because in there lives my aunt Marisol, and she always talk me about the differences with our country, I really like that she tell me, and I whish to see with my own eyes this other reality, she say it is more "civilized". Also I want to see how changes the long of the day. But I dont know if I could keep in there for more than one week, because Suecia is very cold.

On the other hands and absoluty different, I would like to go to Australia, and travel for every places in there, see animals that I have never seen, and know places that I have look in photos and movies and I think they are very cute, interesting and so far.

Finally I want to go to Venezuela and visit the beautiful beaches that Daniel had talk to me, and know its happy people. Also I would like to meet to Daniel's friends, because I talk with one, Carlos, and he is very nice. But I would go to only in holydays, for its form of live, education, politics, etc.

I would study in other country, but i dont know where. In this time I only think in trips of pleasure, althoug I have no money for it, then this are my "small" dreams.

Thursday, September 23, 2010


Hi everyone!
In this instance I will to tell you about Transantiago and my experience with it and all its changes.
When Tansantiago started, 4 years ago (i believe), all was a desaster. The buses never passed and I could stay 1 hour in a busstop waiting and waiting and waiting... When finally passed a bus, it was crowded and i had to walk under the sun :( . And the underground was packed always and I hate it.
But with the time the system begin to improve and now I like it, because before (in the old system) any bus passes near my house, and now there are 4 or 5 buses. I can go to the center, subway, mall, friends houses, aunt house, etc paying one time.
In comparation with the pre-Transantiago system, it is better, because is cheaper, easier to use and also it is more secure and beautiful =).
Althoug how everything is not perfect, and it need more improves like eliminate the old buses and fix the busstops, because some busstops don't have the correct signals and I had to wait for a "ghost bus" many times, hahaha.
In conclusion the new transport system is better than old system, but after these years it needs more changes yet. And we must to know our system and criticize for improve it.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

First term 2010

Hi everyone!... again

Today I will tell you about my life in the first term of this year.
That time was so difficult to me, because i was tired everytime, I don't know why, and i tried to keep me awake in class, but it was a really challenge. On the other hand, my friend Daniela and me played volleyball in the university although I’m very bad to this play, it was a amazing experience, i met a new people and now we are friends =).

I had new subjects like physiology, epidemiology, animal behavior and i taked an elective, general ornithology. I have Physiology yet, and I think it is so interesting but complicate. Animal behavior was boring first, but with the time it liked me, and i learned new things. I want not talk About epidemiology, i hated it!!!. My elective was incredible; we had “field trips” and hard but interesting works and more.

The best thing in this semester was finish it, because I was very happy for pass all my subjects, specialy anatomy (this subject was very long and hard to me).

In the vacations i traveled to the Dany’s house in Valparaiso. In here we had really good moments, we walked, cooked, watched TV, played and more. Oh! I didn’t remember all this and I wish to repeat it.
Hey Dany what do you say?