Thursday, September 30, 2010

Hi everyone!
This time I will to tell you about differents countries. When I thought?? which country would I like to go to, I can not think in only one, because I love travel and met new places.

In first place I would like to go to Italy?, know all its culture, eat its pastas and have a tour in canoe to Venecia, It so romantic althoug it must to smell bad, I think.

I would like to go to Suecia too, because in there lives my aunt Marisol, and she always talk me about the differences with our country, I really like that she tell me, and I whish to see with my own eyes this other reality, she say it is more "civilized". Also I want to see how changes the long of the day. But I dont know if I could keep in there for more than one week, because Suecia is very cold.

On the other hands and absoluty different, I would like to go to Australia, and travel for every places in there, see animals that I have never seen, and know places that I have look in photos and movies and I think they are very cute, interesting and so far.

Finally I want to go to Venezuela and visit the beautiful beaches that Daniel had talk to me, and know its happy people. Also I would like to meet to Daniel's friends, because I talk with one, Carlos, and he is very nice. But I would go to only in holydays, for its form of live, education, politics, etc.

I would study in other country, but i dont know where. In this time I only think in trips of pleasure, althoug I have no money for it, then this are my "small" dreams.

1 comment:

  1. Hi everyone!
    This time I will to tell you about WF differents countries. When I WF thought?? which country would I like to go to, I can not think in only one, because I loveWF travel and met new places.

    In first place I would like to go to Italy?, know all its culture, eat its pastas and have a tour in canoe to Venecia, It so romantic SP althoug it must WW to smell bad, I think.

    I would like to go to SPANISH! Suecia too, because in thereWO lives my aunt Marisol, and she always SVA talk me about the differences with our country, I really like that she SVA tell me, and I whish to see with my own eyes this other reality, she SVA say it is more "civilized". Also I want to see how changes the long of the day. But I dont know if I could keep in there for more than one week, because Suecia is very cold.

    On the other SO hands and SP absoluty different, I would like to go to Australia, and travel for every places in there, see animals that I have never seen, and know places that I have look in photos and movies and I think they are very cute, interesting and so far.

    Finally I want to go to Venezuela and visit the beautiful beaches that Daniel had talk to me, and know its happy people. Also I would like to meet to Daniel's friends, because I talk with one, Carlos, and he is very nice. But I would go to only in holydays, for its form of live, education, politics, etc.

    I would study in other country, but i dont know where. In this time I only think in trips of pleasure, althoug I have no money for it, then this are my "small" dreams

    well done although I would have preferred if you chose only one...
    Maybe you can go with Dan and see all those places. the best of luck!
