Thursday, September 9, 2010

First term 2010

Hi everyone!... again

Today I will tell you about my life in the first term of this year.
That time was so difficult to me, because i was tired everytime, I don't know why, and i tried to keep me awake in class, but it was a really challenge. On the other hand, my friend Daniela and me played volleyball in the university although I’m very bad to this play, it was a amazing experience, i met a new people and now we are friends =).

I had new subjects like physiology, epidemiology, animal behavior and i taked an elective, general ornithology. I have Physiology yet, and I think it is so interesting but complicate. Animal behavior was boring first, but with the time it liked me, and i learned new things. I want not talk About epidemiology, i hated it!!!. My elective was incredible; we had “field trips” and hard but interesting works and more.

The best thing in this semester was finish it, because I was very happy for pass all my subjects, specialy anatomy (this subject was very long and hard to me).

In the vacations i traveled to the Dany’s house in Valparaiso. In here we had really good moments, we walked, cooked, watched TV, played and more. Oh! I didn’t remember all this and I wish to repeat it.
Hey Dany what do you say?

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