Monday, October 25, 2010

My favourite animal


Hi everyone!!

Today I tell you about my favourite animal =)…Well as typical student of veterinary medicine I love almost all animals (if not all), but I have a special attachment with the felines, and obviously with the most close to the humans, the CATS!
I have 3 cats now, but I would have more if my dad didn't hate them. I love the cats since I have memory, because they are so cute, very independent and kind in the same time! I know that the people say (specially my dad): “the cats are treacherous”, but I very disagree with this expression, because my own cats show me the contrary all the time: accompanying me when I’m alone, sad or when I need it . Although I can’t ignore that they are very intelligent too, then when they are hungry: they say “meow”, rub their bodies in ours legs, run to the kitchen, until fulfill their missions (they never abort it).
How I say before, I have loved the cats always, but I fell in love with them because my old cat, Pumita. It was the best partner that I have had ever and the best example of the perfect pet too. I found it under my daddy’s car (it was hiding from a dog) and in that moment we made a special bond. It was very very loyal with me and it accompanied me to all places: to my room, couch, garden, kitchen and including to the bathroom (sometimes) hahaha. Oh I miss it =(!
Furthermore the cats are versatile because they are spoiled and playful, like my cat, Blankita, sometimes it lick me and stroke me, but in other moments, it jumps to my feet for attack, and after it run away quickly.
BUT! I think that there are exceptions, how in all things, there are cats less loving, like my other cat, Chucky (yes yes it is its name, she called Chubi, but we had to change its name, you can imagine why), it is very unfriendly, but I think that it is of this way because my sister found it when it was 2 or 3 days old, in the street, with 2 kittens more. Chucky hadn’t a good beggining, I think.
Finally: I LOVE THE CATS even though they were like my Chucky because it accompanies me and it is loyal anyway (How say in TV commercials: “Cats are the best”). I think that I could be feline doctor and put a feline clinic with my friend Dany, I don't know yet...



(it is very old, because it was to my grandma)

(it wasn't my official cat xD and
it disappeared one day)

Boris (It was my no official pet too
and I think that it have to be in other house now, because he lived in many homes and also I moved)


  1. jajajajajaj I now that your cats are not so bad XD....In fact I like Chuky or Chubi XD...jajajajaaja
    CATS RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Hi everyone!!
    Today I tell you about my favourite animal =)…Well as typical student of veterinary medicine I love almost all animals (if not all), but I have a special attachment with the felines, and obviously with the WF most close to the humans, the CATS!
    I have 3 cats now, but I would have more if my dad didn't hate them. I love WW the cats since I have memory, because they are so cute, very independent and kind in the same time! I know that WW the people say (specially my dad): “the cats are WW treacherous”, but I WW very disagree with this expression, because my own cats show me the contrary all the time: accompanying me when I’m alone, sad or when I need it . Although I can’t ignore that they are very intelligent too, then when they are hungry: they say “meow”, rub their bodies in ours legs, run to the kitchen, until fulfill their missions (they never abort it).
    How I say before, I have loved the cats always, but I fell in love with them because my old cat, Pumita. It was the best partner that I have had ever and the best example of the perfect pet too. I found it under my daddy’s car (it was hiding from a dog) and in that moment we made a special bond. It was very very loyal with me and it WF accompanied me to all places: to my room, couch, garden, kitchen and including to the bathroom (sometimes) hahaha. Oh I miss it =(!
    Furthermore the cats are versatile because they are spoiled and playful, like my cat, Blankita, sometimes it SVA lick me and TENSE stroke me, but in other moments, it jumps to my feet for attack, and after it SVA run away quickly.
    BUT! I think that there are exceptions, how in all things, there areWO cats less loving, like my other cat, Chucky (yes yes it is its name, she called Chubi, but we had to change its name, you can imagine why), it is very unfriendly, but I think that it is of this way because my sister found it when it was 2 or 3 days old, in the street, with 2 kittens more. Chucky hadn’t a good beggining, I think.
    Finally: I LOVE THE CATS even though they were like my Chucky because it accompanies me and it is loyal anyway (How say in TV commercials: “Cats are the best”). I think that I could be feline doctor and put a feline clinic with my friend Dany, I don't know yet...

    well if you like cats so much you should work with them right?
