Thursday, November 4, 2010

My favourite movie

Hi everyone!! I will tell you about my favourite movie. Well I love go to cinema or rent a movie and make pop corn to enjoy with my friend, family or a boy 1313 (my boyfriend obviously), but since I began with university I left a bit this activity. Despite it, I can tell you which one is my favourite film up to now.

I love “Chronics of Narnia” (especially The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe)!! This is a science fiction movie (fantasy) that shows us an other world, where the animal are bigger and talk like us. But how all tale exist an evil person, this is the White Witch, and she has all Narnia under her power, because she says that she’s the Narnia’s Queen. And 4 brothers: Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy (from England) arrive to this world to fulfill an old prophesy that they unknown: save Narnia. The main character is Aslan, it is a very big Lyon, it is the real king of theses lands.

I like it because its plot is very interesting, permit dream with other reality and is to mind’s child. And I can imagine myself living theses adventures.

Beside I like its landscapes, because this film shows us a lot of big and beautiful places, with live colors, I would like meet them in person.

On the other hand I read all books of this saga and the movie is equal at book story.

I saw this film on its premiere, and the last time that I watched it was this summer with Daniel.

I recommend this movie to anybody who wants to dream and escape of our reality for a moment.


  1. Hi everyone!! I will tell you about my favourite movie. Well I love WF go to cinema or rent a movie and make pop corn to enjoy with my friend, family or a boy 1313 (my boyfriend obviously), but since I began with university I left a bit this activity. Despite it, I can tell you which one is my favourite film up to now.

    I love “Chronics of Narnia” (especially The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe)!! This is a science fiction movie (fantasy) that shows us an other world, where the SVA animal are bigger and talk like us. But how all tale ^ WW exist an evil person, this is the White Witch, and she has all Narnia under her power, because she says that she’s the Narnia’s Queen. And 4 brothers: Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy (from England) arrive to this world to fulfill an old prophesy that they unknown: save Narnia. The main character is Aslan, it is a very big Lyon, it is the real king of SP theses lands.

    I like it because its plot is very interesting, SVA WW permit dream with other reality and is to mind’s child. And I can imagine myself living theses adventures.

    SP Beside I like its landscapes, because this film shows us a lot of big and beautiful places, with live colors, I would like meet them in person.

    On the other hand I read all books of this saga and the movie is equal at book story.

    I saw this film on its premiere, and the last time that I watched it was this summer with Daniel.

    I recommend this movie to anybody who wants to dream and escape of our reality for a moment.

    very interesting! I know that the writer was very good friend of JJ Tolkien right?
    i'll see the movie, should I start with the first one?

  2. I ejoyed watch the chronicles of narnia and I readed the book at school....I think that it was the first book that I read completely ajhjahajhajh! but the movie show you a wonderful world just crossing your closet.....I want one of those magic fornitures ajahhhhajha!

  3. I agree with you Neka, the landscape is the think that I most like in this film.
    But thats all jajajaja!


  4. I love Mr Tumnus! I actually love the actor, James McAvoy ^^
    I would love to have a Mr Tumnus and an Aslan for myself :P
