Sunday, November 28, 2010


Hi everyone!! Today we will tell you about challenges in veterinary medicine. How every discipline, it has things that can be better in Technology, social matters and education, and these can be proposed like new (or not to new) challenges to us. I don’t have an order to importance of these, because I think all are important to us and to future generations.

In first place I will tell you about technology. In technology we need progress a lot and disperse it, because the bit technology that exist in our country is centralized in some places, like in Santiago, and it is inaccessible to all people (it is expensive and unknown). We as futures veterinary doctors have to search the entry of new tools to our area, implement it, and disperse it. And of this way we will achieve to make it more accessible and known.

In social matters to students of medicine veterinary, it is very well (in our university at less), because we have a good treatment without give importance to social condition, there are exceptions, obviously, but these are the minor. Like professionals there are social problems in the horses area, because I see that is very selective in social-economic position and gender. To change it, the people that want to be horse doctor, have to demonstrate that differences doesn’t matter and change the thought of his boss (xD).

An finally, in education area, this is well, but it can be better if less students enter at university each year and on the other hand we need more investigation, because it when I will be teacher I will make more experiments and investigation in our country hahahha!!! Like students have to prefer the honesty, and study, study, study, study and study (xD) responsibly to become a good professionals. We have to know all the importance that we have in our shoulders, and take it with responsibility.

Well some things aren’t in our hands yet, but the few things that are in our hands we have to do it right and we don’t should be selfish and worry about our studies only. Beside tomorrow we have the double to the responsibility and we have to be ready.

1 comment:

  1. Hi everyone!! Today we will tell you about challenges in veterinary medicine. How every discipline, it has things that can be better in Technology, social matters and education, and these can be proposed like new (or not to new) challenges to us. I don’t have an order to importance of these, because I think all are important to us and to future generations.

    In first place I will tell you about technology. In technology we need progress a lot and disperse it, because the bit technology that SVA exist in our country is centralized in some places, like in Santiago, and it is inaccessible to all people (it is expensive and unknown). We as WF futures veterinary doctors have to search the entry of new tools to our area, implement it, and disperse it. And of this way we will achieve to make it more accessible and known.

    In social matters to students of medicine veterinary, it is very well (in our university at less), because we have a good treatment without WF give importance to social condition, there are exceptions, obviously, but these are the minor. Like professionals there are social problems in the horses area, because I see that is very selective in social-economic position and gender. To change it, the people that want to be horse doctor, have to demonstrate that differences SVA doesn’t matter and change the thought of his boss (xD).

    An finally, in education area, this is well, but it can be better if less students enter at university each year and on the other hand we need more investigation, because it when I will be teacher I will make more experiments and investigation in our country hahahha!!! Like students have to prefer the honesty, and study, study, study, study and study (xD) responsibly to become a good professionals. We have to know all the importance that we have in our shoulders, and take it with responsibility.

    Well some things aren’t in our hands yet, but the few things that are in our hands we have to do it right and we don’t should be selfish and worry about our studies only. SP Beside tomorrow we have the double to the responsibility and we have to be ready.

    very interesting points! so you would spend time doing research?
