Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Learning english

Hi everyone today I will tell you about my experience on english course. when I got in the university I thought: I need to learnt english, because it is very important to have the possibility to study around the world and to open me at the workplace but I thought too that I known a lot of english and when I gave the test I felt that I didn’t know anything and I should be on the started level, but no xD I saw the results and surprise! I started on the next level, Beginner and in that moment my history begun.

When I was on first term I learnt something about pronunciation and I was surprised about me, because I didn’t known anything about it and I was embarrassed, some classmate talked very good and I didn’t understand a lot of questions, answers and sentences in general. I thought in my school and I remembered that our teacher (missisipi xD) never taught us phonetic and I proposed me learn it. In beginner I finished with the best marks and I felt very surprise and pried of me, obviously.

In pre-intermediate level I felt more trust in me, but I was scared again (buuuu) and for this reason I felt some desperate. So with a friend proposed us: talk on english to practiced our poor english, and this worked, because both approve it. Although I have to say that I hated english for a time and I didn’t want know, hear or speak about english and its homework (I’m sorry Miss).

On this semester I didn’t think to take english 4, despite that I continued to thinking that it is very important to everything, but I didn’t want know more about english yet. Then when this chance appeared I talk with my friend Dany, and of some way we finished very convinced to register this subject. In first time I felt to bad, I saw that my classmates understood more than me, and I felt terrify one more time, I don’t have clear, why I come in panic. After to all this, with the time, practiced and my best helper xD (Daniel), I started to calm down, although sometimes I fall and I get a ONE in a quiz and I feel desperate for a few time.

With its ups and downs this 3 terms (1 and a half year) have ended and I feel very different like I did in a beginning, I show that I understand well, I can answer (although I feel a bit of shame), I help at my sister to read some articles, and I can to make a lot of things that I didn’t think that I could do before. Finally I see that all time spent and effort worth it and was necessary, but I can’t keep me in this level, I have to continue studying and practicing my english, because it is so important to my future.

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