Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Learning english

Hi everyone today I will tell you about my experience on english course. when I got in the university I thought: I need to learnt english, because it is very important to have the possibility to study around the world and to open me at the workplace but I thought too that I known a lot of english and when I gave the test I felt that I didn’t know anything and I should be on the started level, but no xD I saw the results and surprise! I started on the next level, Beginner and in that moment my history begun.

When I was on first term I learnt something about pronunciation and I was surprised about me, because I didn’t known anything about it and I was embarrassed, some classmate talked very good and I didn’t understand a lot of questions, answers and sentences in general. I thought in my school and I remembered that our teacher (missisipi xD) never taught us phonetic and I proposed me learn it. In beginner I finished with the best marks and I felt very surprise and pried of me, obviously.

In pre-intermediate level I felt more trust in me, but I was scared again (buuuu) and for this reason I felt some desperate. So with a friend proposed us: talk on english to practiced our poor english, and this worked, because both approve it. Although I have to say that I hated english for a time and I didn’t want know, hear or speak about english and its homework (I’m sorry Miss).

On this semester I didn’t think to take english 4, despite that I continued to thinking that it is very important to everything, but I didn’t want know more about english yet. Then when this chance appeared I talk with my friend Dany, and of some way we finished very convinced to register this subject. In first time I felt to bad, I saw that my classmates understood more than me, and I felt terrify one more time, I don’t have clear, why I come in panic. After to all this, with the time, practiced and my best helper xD (Daniel), I started to calm down, although sometimes I fall and I get a ONE in a quiz and I feel desperate for a few time.

With its ups and downs this 3 terms (1 and a half year) have ended and I feel very different like I did in a beginning, I show that I understand well, I can answer (although I feel a bit of shame), I help at my sister to read some articles, and I can to make a lot of things that I didn’t think that I could do before. Finally I see that all time spent and effort worth it and was necessary, but I can’t keep me in this level, I have to continue studying and practicing my english, because it is so important to my future.

Sunday, November 28, 2010


Hi everyone!! Today we will tell you about challenges in veterinary medicine. How every discipline, it has things that can be better in Technology, social matters and education, and these can be proposed like new (or not to new) challenges to us. I don’t have an order to importance of these, because I think all are important to us and to future generations.

In first place I will tell you about technology. In technology we need progress a lot and disperse it, because the bit technology that exist in our country is centralized in some places, like in Santiago, and it is inaccessible to all people (it is expensive and unknown). We as futures veterinary doctors have to search the entry of new tools to our area, implement it, and disperse it. And of this way we will achieve to make it more accessible and known.

In social matters to students of medicine veterinary, it is very well (in our university at less), because we have a good treatment without give importance to social condition, there are exceptions, obviously, but these are the minor. Like professionals there are social problems in the horses area, because I see that is very selective in social-economic position and gender. To change it, the people that want to be horse doctor, have to demonstrate that differences doesn’t matter and change the thought of his boss (xD).

An finally, in education area, this is well, but it can be better if less students enter at university each year and on the other hand we need more investigation, because it when I will be teacher I will make more experiments and investigation in our country hahahha!!! Like students have to prefer the honesty, and study, study, study, study and study (xD) responsibly to become a good professionals. We have to know all the importance that we have in our shoulders, and take it with responsibility.

Well some things aren’t in our hands yet, but the few things that are in our hands we have to do it right and we don’t should be selfish and worry about our studies only. Beside tomorrow we have the double to the responsibility and we have to be ready.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Improving our faculty facilities

Hi everyone! Today I will tell you about how improves our faculty facilities. I think that the university money is not equally distributed in the different faculties, and then our faculty facilities are very poor in comparison with other faculties and universities, for example if you look Beauchef , this faculty has everything: a couple of great casinos, modern classrooms, a lot of computers (and 100 free photocopies by month!!) and automatic doors xD!!.

The improvements that our faculty needs are: fixes the bathrooms, enhances and magnifies the clinic hospital, has better equipment to practices, has more comfortable places to be when it rains, has better buses, enlarge the casino, has better labs, has a closed gym... these I can think now.

The first step to dealing with these situations is join us (the students) and show our perspective about this topic at the authorities of our faculty, and (if they doesn’t show us useful responses) university.

How I said on the principle, to resolve this situation the university must distribute the money equally to all faculties.

These improvements would have a great impact in all students, because we could be more comfortable in our faculty; sick lees; take advantage of our intelligent =D; feel that we get what we pay; travel on bus (to our practices and other trips) that has all facilities that we need to are comfortable, eat in our casino (because we don’t fit on our casino and we have to lunch in other places sometimes); etc.

Finally we need better facilities and the faculty is doing some improvements how fixes the bathrooms, but we need more.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

My favourite movie

Hi everyone!! I will tell you about my favourite movie. Well I love go to cinema or rent a movie and make pop corn to enjoy with my friend, family or a boy 1313 (my boyfriend obviously), but since I began with university I left a bit this activity. Despite it, I can tell you which one is my favourite film up to now.

I love “Chronics of Narnia” (especially The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe)!! This is a science fiction movie (fantasy) that shows us an other world, where the animal are bigger and talk like us. But how all tale exist an evil person, this is the White Witch, and she has all Narnia under her power, because she says that she’s the Narnia’s Queen. And 4 brothers: Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy (from England) arrive to this world to fulfill an old prophesy that they unknown: save Narnia. The main character is Aslan, it is a very big Lyon, it is the real king of theses lands.

I like it because its plot is very interesting, permit dream with other reality and is to mind’s child. And I can imagine myself living theses adventures.

Beside I like its landscapes, because this film shows us a lot of big and beautiful places, with live colors, I would like meet them in person.

On the other hand I read all books of this saga and the movie is equal at book story.

I saw this film on its premiere, and the last time that I watched it was this summer with Daniel.

I recommend this movie to anybody who wants to dream and escape of our reality for a moment.

Monday, October 25, 2010

My favourite animal


Hi everyone!!

Today I tell you about my favourite animal =)…Well as typical student of veterinary medicine I love almost all animals (if not all), but I have a special attachment with the felines, and obviously with the most close to the humans, the CATS!
I have 3 cats now, but I would have more if my dad didn't hate them. I love the cats since I have memory, because they are so cute, very independent and kind in the same time! I know that the people say (specially my dad): “the cats are treacherous”, but I very disagree with this expression, because my own cats show me the contrary all the time: accompanying me when I’m alone, sad or when I need it . Although I can’t ignore that they are very intelligent too, then when they are hungry: they say “meow”, rub their bodies in ours legs, run to the kitchen, until fulfill their missions (they never abort it).
How I say before, I have loved the cats always, but I fell in love with them because my old cat, Pumita. It was the best partner that I have had ever and the best example of the perfect pet too. I found it under my daddy’s car (it was hiding from a dog) and in that moment we made a special bond. It was very very loyal with me and it accompanied me to all places: to my room, couch, garden, kitchen and including to the bathroom (sometimes) hahaha. Oh I miss it =(!
Furthermore the cats are versatile because they are spoiled and playful, like my cat, Blankita, sometimes it lick me and stroke me, but in other moments, it jumps to my feet for attack, and after it run away quickly.
BUT! I think that there are exceptions, how in all things, there are cats less loving, like my other cat, Chucky (yes yes it is its name, she called Chubi, but we had to change its name, you can imagine why), it is very unfriendly, but I think that it is of this way because my sister found it when it was 2 or 3 days old, in the street, with 2 kittens more. Chucky hadn’t a good beggining, I think.
Finally: I LOVE THE CATS even though they were like my Chucky because it accompanies me and it is loyal anyway (How say in TV commercials: “Cats are the best”). I think that I could be feline doctor and put a feline clinic with my friend Dany, I don't know yet...



(it is very old, because it was to my grandma)

(it wasn't my official cat xD and
it disappeared one day)

Boris (It was my no official pet too
and I think that it have to be in other house now, because he lived in many homes and also I moved)

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Places of Santiago.

Hi everyone! Today I will suggest you about some places of Santiago, which I think you can to visit if you aren’t of this city! (Or if you have not visited it yet).

The first place is “Barrio Bellavista”, I like it because can do different things in there, as visit the “Saint Cristobal hill”, where you can walk, make exercise, connect with the nature and in the top you can see Santiago, and it‘s free!! Furthermore if you dislike walk you can rise in cable car. Also you can go to the Metropolitan Zoo. And in the night you can drink something with your friends in any Pub of Pio Nono Street.

The second place is “Barrio Lastarria” where you find the “Saint Lucia hill” or “Huelen hill”, this is smaller than previous hill, is easy arrive there, owing is near of the underground. In the other side of the street is the artisan fair Saint Lucia where you can buy earrings, pants, musical instruments (like bongo or charango), etc.

The third place is “The Dominicos Town” that located in “Las Condes”. If you like the handicraft, you will love this place, because is the biggest artisan fair in Santiago, it has more than 160 workshops! The artisans make beautiful things using different materials for example metal, wood and ceramic. Also it is a nice place, because is an old church.

The fourth place is “Sculptures's park” in Providencia. This Park was founded in 1982 and today has over 30 sculptures. I like it because is a relax place, you can be quiet in there, you don’t hear the noise of the city, spite is in the middle of Santiago.

And the last place is “Forestal Park” that has 12 há. where there are museums, coffees, monuments, trees and also there are street performers and jugglers in the weekends. You can walk, rest in the grass, see the performances, eat something… etc! And a freak data: Tunick took the nude pictures there.

You don't need a lot of money to visit these beautiful places of Santiago. Moreover if you don’t know these places, you don’t know Santiago.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Death penalty

Hi people!

Today I will tell you about one topic very very complicate, the Death Penalty. Uff I think that talk about this is hard, because we live far of this reality and of the age when it was a common practice, although in the world has countries that admit the death penalty yet (some in very special occasions and others countries in crimes “more common”).

Well in my opinion the death penalty should not exist yet, for many reasons. One of these is that this practice doesn’t change the past, and the errors of the prisoner will not erase with this action, moreover that person is not paying for his crime (if he died).

On the other hand, the executor (or executors) is turned in to an assassin and he has to live with this all his life, I would not want to be him (oh poor soul!).

And finally I think, What happens if the executed was not culpable? This had occurred in the past and… What is the solution? It doesn’t exist.

Lastly I know that some countries permit, accept and use the death penalty, and I ask myself, Why they believe that have the control of the persons’s lives (or of the day of his death)? Maybe They want keep the people scared, to have the control on them (Well this idea is a bit macabre) I don’t know.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Hi everyone!
This time I will to tell you about differents countries. When I thought?? which country would I like to go to, I can not think in only one, because I love travel and met new places.

In first place I would like to go to Italy?, know all its culture, eat its pastas and have a tour in canoe to Venecia, It so romantic althoug it must to smell bad, I think.

I would like to go to Suecia too, because in there lives my aunt Marisol, and she always talk me about the differences with our country, I really like that she tell me, and I whish to see with my own eyes this other reality, she say it is more "civilized". Also I want to see how changes the long of the day. But I dont know if I could keep in there for more than one week, because Suecia is very cold.

On the other hands and absoluty different, I would like to go to Australia, and travel for every places in there, see animals that I have never seen, and know places that I have look in photos and movies and I think they are very cute, interesting and so far.

Finally I want to go to Venezuela and visit the beautiful beaches that Daniel had talk to me, and know its happy people. Also I would like to meet to Daniel's friends, because I talk with one, Carlos, and he is very nice. But I would go to only in holydays, for its form of live, education, politics, etc.

I would study in other country, but i dont know where. In this time I only think in trips of pleasure, althoug I have no money for it, then this are my "small" dreams.

Thursday, September 23, 2010


Hi everyone!
In this instance I will to tell you about Transantiago and my experience with it and all its changes.
When Tansantiago started, 4 years ago (i believe), all was a desaster. The buses never passed and I could stay 1 hour in a busstop waiting and waiting and waiting... When finally passed a bus, it was crowded and i had to walk under the sun :( . And the underground was packed always and I hate it.
But with the time the system begin to improve and now I like it, because before (in the old system) any bus passes near my house, and now there are 4 or 5 buses. I can go to the center, subway, mall, friends houses, aunt house, etc paying one time.
In comparation with the pre-Transantiago system, it is better, because is cheaper, easier to use and also it is more secure and beautiful =).
Althoug how everything is not perfect, and it need more improves like eliminate the old buses and fix the busstops, because some busstops don't have the correct signals and I had to wait for a "ghost bus" many times, hahaha.
In conclusion the new transport system is better than old system, but after these years it needs more changes yet. And we must to know our system and criticize for improve it.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

First term 2010

Hi everyone!... again

Today I will tell you about my life in the first term of this year.
That time was so difficult to me, because i was tired everytime, I don't know why, and i tried to keep me awake in class, but it was a really challenge. On the other hand, my friend Daniela and me played volleyball in the university although I’m very bad to this play, it was a amazing experience, i met a new people and now we are friends =).

I had new subjects like physiology, epidemiology, animal behavior and i taked an elective, general ornithology. I have Physiology yet, and I think it is so interesting but complicate. Animal behavior was boring first, but with the time it liked me, and i learned new things. I want not talk About epidemiology, i hated it!!!. My elective was incredible; we had “field trips” and hard but interesting works and more.

The best thing in this semester was finish it, because I was very happy for pass all my subjects, specialy anatomy (this subject was very long and hard to me).

In the vacations i traveled to the Dany’s house in Valparaiso. In here we had really good moments, we walked, cooked, watched TV, played and more. Oh! I didn’t remember all this and I wish to repeat it.
Hey Dany what do you say?